The End...

9:15 PM Unknown 2 Comments

So I haven't blogged in a week, but I think I have a pretty good excuse. This week was my last week of high school ever. I also broke my phone so I was phoneless for 3 days. I'm not going to lie, it was torturous. Anyway, Friday ( yesterday) was my last day of high school. It was actually a pretty sad day for a lot of people, including me. Some of my fellow classmates knew each other for 13 years. They started kindergarten together and now ended high school together. I only knew them for 6 years but I was still able to form incredible bonds with a few of them. 
It hasn't hit me yet that high school is really over. I did cry ( like a freaking baby too) but I still feel like I have school Monday. It's probably going to hit me when I'm boarding the plane, on my way to college... All I have to say to my younger readers that you guys really should cherish high ends way too fast.

 I decided to share with you guys a collage of the pictures I took on my last day of school.

Check out my friends' blogs,
Hope you guys enjoyed your day,xoxo.                                             

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